Institute Of Counseling

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In our society today, people are faced with diverse challenges and difficulties. Some can manage these challenges and difficulties whereas others find it quite tough scaling through life’s obstacles and they begin to look for a way of escape. In escaping these difficulties, some persons turn to drugs and other substances, while others find the obstacles so overwhelming that they begin to consider suicide, and probably due to a dearth of appropriate support systems, some eventually commit suicide. However, suicide doesn’t just happen, there is usually a forerunner known as suicidal ideation.

Suicide has become a major global challenge of the 21st century and Africa is not left out. Africa accounts for an astoundingly high proportion of global cases, and bringing it home, Nigeria records the highest occurrences in Africa, ranking the country as the sixth country in the world with incidences of death due to suicide. The unfortunate thing is that these incidences are most recorded among young people between the age of 15 and 35 (Akinremi, 2020; WHO, 2014; NOCK, 2008).  This trend is quite worrisome. However, as earlier stated, suicide doesn’t just happen. It has a forerunner as well as triggers. Today, we will briefly explore what suicidal ideation entails, the factors responsible for it, and the way out.

Suicidal ideation refers to thoughts about ending one’s life. These thoughts could be occasional wishes or feelings that one should die or be alive does not worth it. It is further expressed in the contemplation to end one’s life. These thoughts could be frequent, intense with a specific plan on how to act them out (Ajibola, & Agunbiade, 2021).  Some people might act it out, whereas others may stop at the level of thought. This, therefore, implies that suicide in itself is a process that begins with thoughts, followed by a trial or an attempt, and lastly completed suicide (Sonia, Chukwuemeka, Chidozie, Chinenyenwa, & Stephen, 2020). By this process, suicidal ideation becomes the forerunner of suicide. Hence, should be cut at the bud. For this to be successfully done, there is a need to know the factors that are responsible for suicidal ideation.

Perceived Overwhelmingly Life Pressures – Suicide ideation can be attributed to or triggered by several factors. One of such is perceived overwhelmingly life pressures. Different people in society have varying pressures. Some of these pressures could be to meet up with demands from parents (e.g young adults who are constantly under pressure to conform to social norms of the parents and peers). While others are faced with financial pressures, marital pressures, illnesses, and different other types of pressures. It is normal to face life pressures. However, when an individual feels overwhelmed by these pressures and there is no appropriate support system to cope with these demands, this can trigger suicidal thoughts as the individual might consider ending it all as an escape to never-ending life challenges. Also, living in a less supportive but highly competitive environment where there is so much desire to meet up with the accomplishments of others is pressure in itself that could trigger suicidal thoughts.  (Ajibola, & Agunbiade, 2021; Dendup, Zhao, Dorji, & Phuntsho, 2020). 

Cognitive Distortion – A cognitive distortion is an irrational thinking pattern expressed by an individual viewing reality in an inaccurate way. A cognitive distortion is characterized by hopelessness and overgeneralization of an event (usually a negative one). This pattern of thinking causes an individual to focus his/her thoughts only on the negative side of events rather than thinking rationally about the events. This thinking pattern stirs up negative emotions such as depression and anxiety and predisposes one to suicide ideation (Jager-Hyman, Cunningham, Wenzel, Mattei, Brown, & Beck, 2014; Xiong, Madihie, Saili, Bakar, Bakar, & Mahmud, 2020).

Depression- depression is one of the most referenced predictors of suicide. Depression is a type of psychological disorder that manifests itself in the forms of continuous extreme low mood, loss of interest in normal daily activities, hopelessness, and an extreme feeling of sadness over a period of time (Markus, 2017). depression can trigger thoughts of dying as the individual tends to see no meaning in living.

Stressful life events and trauma -Stressful life events and traumas such as physical abuse, hostile childhood experiences when not properly managed could trigger suicide ideation and attempts much later in life (Christensen, Batterham, Mackinnon, Donker, & Soubelet, 2014). 

Relationship Problems– problematic relationships and issues arising from such relationships have been identified as possible predictors of suicide ideation (Evans, Scourfield, & Moore, 2016).

Being exposed to suicide – suicide appears to be contagious implying that being exposed to suicide could trigger suicidal thoughts in an individual. 

Grief- A loss of something of great value to someone, especially the death of a loved one, when not followed by appropriate support, can predispose a person to suicidal thoughts. 

Way out

Stay connected– one of the ways to manage suicidal thoughts is to stay around people that are of value to you. These could be your family members, friends, and others that can influence your life positively. Talk to them about your concerns instead of keeping it all to yourself. There is evidence to prove that social support can reduce the risk of suicide.

Relax– another way to minimize suicidal thoughts, is to get yourself relaxed from the demands and pressures of life. You could do this by listening to some good music, doing some exercise, meditating, or practicing breathing exercises. Do these as often as possible especially when you feel stressed.

Stay away from alcohol and substance – alcohol and other substances are not an option right now. Though they appear to temporarily reduce the pain and unpleasant emotions, however, they don’t. Substances rather make you much more susceptible to suicidal thoughts and less careful. Therefore, substances are not an option. 

Take care of yourself – As much as it is within your reach, eat balanced diets, stay hydrated, and have enough sleep. There is a link between your body and your mind. Caring for your body can increase how good you feel about yourself. 

Engage in pleasant activities – Try to distract yourself from harmful thoughts by engaging in activities that you find enjoyable. you could read a book, take your pet for a walk, or do any other activity you feel joyful about.

Develop a positive mindset – train your mind to think positively about yourself and life as a whole. You can do this by reading self-help books, listening to audio, and sermons that encourage positive thinking.

Seek help from mental health experts – mental health experts are trained professionals that help individuals resolve their emotional and behavioral challenges including suicidal thoughts. At those dark moments, one of the best options available to you is to get help from a mental health expert. Just in case you don’t know where to begin, you could contact the institute of counseling in Nigeria for free help: or call our 24/7 hotline +2348188783527 

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