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Several factors and the interactions between them influence career development. Others may be barriers to it. Let’s look at several of them:

Personal Characteristics: Personality type, upbringing, and work-related values make people who they are. These personal characteristics play a significant role in career development since they influence which occupations people find satisfying, as well as the types of work environments in which they will succeed. That is why, when people are in the process of choosing a career, it is so important to do a self assessment that will help individuals learn all about themselves.

Financial Resources: Pursuing certain career options can be costly. If someone chooses an occupation, for example, that requires attending college, the person may be limited by his/her ability to pay for it. It could end up altering the plans.  Fortunately, there are ways of overcoming barriers such as limited financial resources, namely student loans, financial support and scholarships (counselors should have a vast knowledge of these within and outside the environment in which he/she operates). When seeking employment, financial limitations can also hinder people. For example, someone may not have the money to purchase the necessary outfit for an interview.

Financial Obligations: People may find themselves working in a job or occupation just for the paycheck. It lets them keep up with bills but doesn’t satisfy them in any other way. They would like to go after other opportunities but feel inhibited by their financial obligations such as a mortgage, rent, student loans, or even their children’s school tuition. However, people can try to put away money for a future career change or even change their way of life by downsizing to a smaller home.

Physical, Mental, and Emotional Impairments: Some people are better suited to some careers than they are to others due to their physical and mental abilities, and limitations. For example, one may want to become a doctor but does not have the intellectual ability to get into medical school. Counselors can help, by guiding such to a related occupation that makes the best use of the person’s strengths while accommodating his or her limitations.

Lack of Support from Family: Going after a hard-to-achieve goal is even more difficult if our loved ones aren’t behind us. Someone will have a greater chance of succeeding if one can convince them but if that is unlikely to happen, someone may have to find motivation from other people.

Age: Person’s age, or their perception of it, can hinder their career development. During a large part of their lives, they may worry about being too young to pursue a particular path, advance in their careers, or make a career change, and for another lengthy stretch, they fret about being too old to do those things. Instead of focusing on age, counselors can tell clients to concentrate on their abilities and how motivated they are.

Family Obligations: An individual’s career development may stall if he or she takes time off from work to take care of children or elderly parents. He or she has several options including getting outside help to provide childcare or eldercare if the individual desires it.

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