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Being a parent is something most people look forwards to with delight. However, being a parent comes with a lot of responsibilities and demands. Sometimes these demands could get so overwhelming that the couples might feel incapable of coping with them and thus causing them a lot of distress. Parenting stress occurs when parents feel incapable of meeting up with the demands of parenthood. In order words, parents feel too much is required of them and they lack what it takes to meet up with this requirement and so distress sets in (Deater-Deckard, 1998; Abidin, 1995; Holly et al., 2019). 

Factors such as financial difficulties, a lack of social support, a child’s sickness, unemployment, and problems within the marriage can all contribute to parental stress (Bornstein & Zlotnik, 2008; Pinderhughes, Nix, Foster & Jones, 2001). Also, having to parent adolescents is another source of stress for the parents (Larson, Richards, Moneta, Holmbeck & Duckett, 1996).  

Parenting has never been an easy task, but with the advent of social media and the internet, guiding children require more skills and concentration, unfortunately, parents are also becoming more stressed due to increased responsibility in a highly industrialized world. Africa seems to be the most affected, as the cultural values that were highly effective in parenting are gradually being eroded. Parenting stress has adverse effects on both the parents and the children. The consequences could be intolerance of the children, a reduction in the levels of attention given to children, and punitive practices from parents. Furthermore, parenting stress has been found to be associated with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and negatively affects parenting efficacy (Dekovic, 1999; Bornstein & Zlotnik, 2008; Prino et al., 2016; Kendig et al., 2017). Also, mental health problems in children have been linked to parenting stress (Hattangadi et al., 2020).   

How to Manage Parenting Stress

Stress is part of life and it cannot be totally removed. However, it can be managed through the way you think about the stressors and by taking certain actions. Below are some proven ways you can manage the stress you experience from parenting.

Your thought and words should be positive -one explanation for negative emotions is that our thoughts about events in our lives determine how we feel and behave and not the events in themselves that trigger our feelings and behavior but the way we think about the events.  By deciding to take a positive outlook toward situations in your life rather than viewing the stressful situation from a negative view, you can influence the way you feel about the situation. By being positive, you are better positioned to deal with stressful situations.

Take care of your physical health –  your health remains your wealth. if you are not strong physically you cannot attend to the needs of your family. Therefore, ensure you take proper care of your body. A healthy body promotes a healthy mind. Eat good meals, create time to relax and have some fun, exercise, and have enough sleep. 

Keeping in touch with others – don’t just keep it all to yourself. Talk to your spouse about the issues you worry about as well as everyday happening. By engaging in this type of conversation, you are able to keep each other in check. You can as well create time to connect with other parents, friends, and relatives. Shares your experiences as parents and things that trouble you. Through this kind of conversation, you can build resilience and be better positioned to deal with family stressors. However, ensure the people you converse with are positive and supportive.  

Get an outlet – Go out, do the thing that makes you happy, meet new people and get a breath of fresh air. Periodically organize a date for yourself and your partner and spend some moments together outside of the house. This will help you destress and recharged for the task of parenting.

Find your passion – Find that one thing that comes to you effortlessly and engage in it at those moments of stress.  That could be singing, dancing, listening to music, playing an instrument, drawing, or even writing. Whatever yours could be, find it and destress yourself with it. 

Encourage your children to see an expert –  do not hesitate to seek an expert’s assistance for your troubled child.  Problems with sleep, toilet, biting, and antisocial behavior warrant prompt expert attention.

Seek an expert’s assistance for yourself  talking to a mental health expert about your problems is one of the most effective measures for dealing with life’s challenges. Do not hesitate to seek a mental health expert’s assistance if your anxiety or stress seems to interfere with your daily functioning. You could talk to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a professional counselor around you.  

Managing parenting stress is essential to your physical and mental well-being. By managing parental stress, you are able to handle family challenges better. Consequently, you can be more present for your children and thus enhance their mental health.

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