Institute Of Counseling

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School Counseling Training

ICN is here to help

Individual character and personality are developed in childhood, most of the issues people are dealing with as adults started while growing up. The fact that most of the child and teenage years are spent in schools says a lot about the responsibilities resting on the shoulder of our primary and secondary school caregivers. It will be wise to say that, these institutions play vital roles in determining how our society eventually turns out. The Institute of Counseling recognizes this crucial aspect of life and the danger posed by a lack of access to professional clinical counseling in our secondary schools and designed programs to solve the problems. Interested in any of our programs for your school? Kindly fill out the contact form below.

You Are Not Alone Campaign

A Mental Health Counseling Intervention Program for Schools

The emotional and psychological needs of school-age children most especially in their teenage years are so numerous and every institution of learning that wants to create and maintain a culture of wellness and excellence must pay quality attention to the emotional and psychological well-being of students in order to prevent various factors that hinder excellence in an academic environment through the help of professional counselors. 

Recent researches suggest one in six students aged 5 to 16 years are currently experiencing one or more psychological, emotional or social difficulties, and less than 10% of them have access to therapeutic help. Unfortunately, students in their teenage years find it difficult to open up about their personal challenges to familiar faces such as teachers and even the school counselor. It is therefore imminent for every success-focused school to be more creative with the provision of therapeutic help.

Similarly, each member of staff has various day-to-day life challenges to battle with and desperately needs help and support because if these issues are not properly dealt with, they may affect the workforce’s level of efficiency and overall productivity. However, most of them will not unbutton their personal issues in front of the fully employed school counselor who they considered a colleague. 100% confidentiality must be guaranteed before you can get them open up.  This is exactly where the Institute of Counseling comes in with this WHOLESOME PROGRAMME.

With this program, we provide access to early identification of psychological, emotional, and social challenges; prevention programs, and various treatment options. We help to develop an integrated, comprehensive program of support and services aimed at:

>> Supporting the school in raising optimally functional children and adolescents.

>> Developing evidence-based programs to provide positive school culture and promote student skills in dealing with bullying and conflicts, solving problems, developing healthy peer relationships, engaging in activities to prevent suicide and substance use, and so on.

>> Developing early intervention services for students in need of additional support to deal with grief, anger, anxiety, sadness, and so on.

>> Developing treatment programs and services that address the various mental health needs of students.

>> Developing a school culture in which teachers and other student support staff are trained to recognize the early warning signs of cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social issues in their students

>> Developing a referral process to ensure that all students have equal access to services and support

>> Reducing the rate of dysfunctional families by developing student and family support and resources

Professional Clinical Counseling Training For School Teachers/Counselors

School counselors possess proficient skills in development, leadership, collaborative practices, as well as appropriate referral procedures but practical ways to meet these skills are lacking as traditional training models are not keeping up with the needs of today’s school counselors. This training provides the needed professionalism and practicality for school counselors. School counselors function in a variety of roles to support students’ academic, career, and personal/social development. In addition, they work in complex educational systems, have large caseloads, and manage school counseling programs. Within the field of counseling, school counselors face a unique challenge, for they are certified by educational agencies but are trained in the field of mental health, therapy, and psychotherapy. Integrating this training in a school setting plus maintaining a counseling identity while meeting educational objectives can result in confusion for school counselors…Institute of Counseling holds the solution to the challenge being faced by school counselors.The Institute of Counseling trains guidance and counseling teachers and other school counselors. Up to date information and newly discovered theories and skills in the field of counseling are passed unto school teachers.


School Counseling Retainer-ship Program (SCOREP)

Every institution of learning that wants to create and maintain a culture of excellence must pay quality attention to the emotional and psychological needs of students and staff members in order to prevent various factors that can hinder excellence in an academic environment through the work of a professional counselor. However, students in their teenage years find it difficult to open up about their personal challenges to familiar faces such as teachers and even the school counselor. A success-focused school, therefore, needs to be more creative with the provision of therapeutic help. 

Also, our research has proven that the success of any organization depends on the well-being of its workforce. Each member of staff has various day-to-day life issues to battle with and desperately needs help and improvement because if these issues are not properly dealt with, they may impact the level of proficiency. However, most of them will not unbutton their personal issues in front of the fully employed school counselor who they considered a colleague. 100% confidentiality must be guaranteed before you can get them open up. This is exactly what SCOREP offers you. Resolving conflicting emotional and psychological issues for improved academic excellence in the citadels of learning is the sole responsibility of a well-trained counselor. This is why institutions that keyed into SCOREP­­­­­­­­ have the best results. Our experience with schools of high and international standards has enabled us to take a pragmatic approach in this program which has proven to be effective and beneficial. We will help you to avoid the pitfalls of emotionally disturbed students and a stressed workforce.

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